Motherhood Ayurveda
Medical College and Hospital

World Ayurveda Week 2023 is observed on 6-10th November 2023. On this occasion with the grace of Director General Dr.(Prof.) Narender Sharma and Director Administration Mr. Deepak Sharma, Motherhood Ayurveda Medical College and Hospital, Roorkee organised Dhanvantri poojan and hawan on 09/11/2023 in the presence of Principal Dr.(Prof.) Abhishek Bhushan Sharma ,faculty members and students were present. After poojan and Hawan, Aanchal and Vishakha sang dhanvantri Aarti and Saraswati Vandana dance was performed by Deeskha. Prasadam was distributed among all present.
College also organised rangoli competition in which Sabiya and group came first and Ayesha and group came second.
Students gave message to world through their creativity about importance of Ayurveda and how rich this history has been in our life.